And so much more!
Un tik daudz vairāk!
Varu Tev palīdzēt, ja:
You Think You Have No Voice | Tev Liekas, ka Tev nav balss
There are blockages, traumas around speaking, singing, and expressing yourself | Tev ir bloki, traumas par un ap runāšanu, dziedāšanu, pašizpausmi
Throat, neck, chest, lungs is your weak zone and often prone to illnesses | Rīkle, kakls, krūtis, plaušas ir Tavas vājās vietas, kas bieži saslimst
You have low self-esteem, no confidence or/and self-value | Tev ir zema pašapziņa, pašpārliecība vai/un pašvērtība
You have fears of being seen and heard publicly, you panic when you have to speak in front of a group or camera | Tev ir bailes tikt redzētai un dzirdētai publiski, Tev ir paniskas bailes runāt grupas vai kameras priekšā
You feel the heaviness of feelings like shame, guilt, fear, lack, inner surpression | Tu jūti smagumu no tādām sajūtām kā kauns, vaina, bailes, trūkums, iekšēja apspiestība
You are in constant stress and anxiety | Tu esi nepārtrauktā stresa un trauksmes stāvoklī
You carry loads of tension in your body, feel some parts of body blocked, heavy | Tu jūti saspringumu ķermenī, atsevišķas ķermeņa daļas smagas, bloķētas
You lack direction, motivation, you think you have no talents | Tev trūkst virziena, motivācijas, liekas, ka nav talantu
You have difficulties to meditate and calm your mind, there is a constant race of thoughts | Tev ir grūtības meditēt un atslēgt prātu, esi nepārtrauktā domu skrējienā
You lack connection to your intuition or higher self (God, Universe, Source etc) | Tu nejūti saikni ar savu intuīciju vai augstākiem spēkiem, trūkst ticības un sajūtas par to, kas ir garīgums priekš Tevis
Jā, šīs un vēl daudzas citas lietas var tikt ietekmētas ar Balss praksēm vien!*
* I do not claim that voice will solve all your problems and you should seek professional help if any mental or physical problems persist.
But voice practice does show to increase quality of life in so many levels and can bring healing to different aspects of yourself.
* Es neapgalvoju, ka balss prakses atrisinās visas Tavas problēmas un es aicinu Tevi meklēt profesionālu palīdzību, ja ir kādas ieilgušas mentālas vai fiziskas problēmas. Taču pieredze rāda, ka balss prakses milzīgā mērā var ietekmēt dzīves kvalitāti dažādos līmeņos un nest dziedinājumu dažādiem tevis aspektiem.
Kas var notikt, atverot savu patieso Balsi?
You will feel an incredible relaxation, tension release from your Mind & Body | Tu jutīsi neticamu atslābumu, spriedzes atlaišanos no prāta un ķermeņa
You'll release blocked emotions that you've possibly been carrying for years | Tu atbrīvosi emocionālos blokus, ko iespējams nes sevī gadiem
You'll feel a great boost of confidence and self-worth | Tu jutīsi milzīgu pašpārliecības un pašvērtības palielināšanos
You'll connect to your authentic self like never before | Tu savienosies ar savu īsto būtību kā nekad agrāk
Fear of speaking up, setting boundaries, expressing yourself will decrease immensely | Bailes no izteikšanās, robežu nolikšanas, sevis izpaušanas izteikti samazināsies
Your physical health might improve due to deep relaxation of the nervous system | Tava fiziskā veselība var uzlaboties, ņemot vērā izteikto nervu sistēmas atslābināšanos skanēšanas laikā
You'll connect with your strenght, power, talents and your best self | Tu savienosies ar savu spēku, varenību, talantiem un savu labāko es
You might experience an incredible expansion of awareness, deep meditative trance states and voice might become your main spiritual and healing practice | Tu vari piedzīvot nebijušus apziņu paplašinošus, meditatīvus transa stāvokļus un balss var kļūt par Tavu galveno dziedinošo un garīgo praksi
Your intuition might become stronger and more noticeable than ever | Tava intuīcija var kļūt tik spēcīga un pamanāma kā nekad agrāk
Veidi, kā mēs varam Sadarboties:
1:1 Sessions
In the individual sessions I will lead you through the many possibilities of your authentic voice. Anyone can experience their voice on a completely different level when working with me. After just one session you'll feel incredible changes in yourself.
1:1 Sesijas
Individuālajās sesijās es pavadīšu Tevi cauri Tavām bezgalīgajām autentiskās balss iespējām. Pie manis jebkurš var pieredzēt savu balsi nebijušos skanējumos. Pietiks ar vienu sesiju, kad jau jutīsi neticamas izmaiņas sevī.
Group events, Retreats
There's a whole different magic when joining a group session, even if it's on zoom. Follow along here or on my Instagram to learn about all the planned events!
Grupu Meistarklases, Retrīti
Grupu lauks ir neatkārtojams, tādēļ jebkurš no grupas formātiem ir lieliska iespēja savienoties ar sevi un citiem caur Balsi. Seko līdzi šeit vai manā Instagram profilā, lai uzzinātu par visiem plānotajiem pasākumiem!
Powerful Online Courses
Online Courses offer a possibility to work with your voice daily or as often as you like on your own time and in your own space. Courses in english coming soon!
Jaudīgi Online Kursi
Online Kursi dod iespēju strādāt ar savu Balsi ikdienā cik bieži vēlies un ir iespēja - savā laikā un telpā. Dažādi formāti, intensitātes, līmeņi tieši Tev.
"I'm just after the practice and I'm out of words! At the very beginning I noticed how much tension there is in my hips and my neck. And right at the first warm-up practices I realise how short my breath is and I can't even hold the sound half as long as Santa does.
My inner process started at the wild sounds - I started to cough, tears are coming and I understand that it's not just physical but actually some deep emotions are being released.
Then the greatest magic comes and finally I caught the feeling of sound coming from the depths and not just from my throat or chest and I realised that I do have enough breath to hold the long sounds.
At the end of the practice I noticed how relaxed and free my hips and neck feel.
This course is a gem! It's such a remedy for my sould! I cannot wait what it will continue to bring!"
"The process started already yesterday. I felt an unexplainable anxiety and I realised that something is surfacing. When going through the practice I started to cough and almost wanted to vomit, I feel like some trauma is coming up. So much tension in my diaphragm and pain and disgust in my 3rd chakra.
A memory of childhood trauma surfaces, I manage to release it.
This was a phenomenal sound detox. I feel vibrated and energised all over my body. Priceless experience. the 3rd chakra feels so free and there no tension left in my hips. I feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes!"
"After starting the practice I felt a shivering in my body that kept coming and going for an hour after the practice. I was so surprised of the sounds that came out of me and I loved it so much!
After the practice my spine felt more straight and my body was smiling!
So much gratitude!"
"Thank you for creating these practices, I love them so much! I had doubts when purchasing the course but it's all gone after the first session.
I felt my body speaking to me, each of the sound made the sensations more noticeable.
The sound "eee" moved me the most and I realised there is something that wants to be released through this sound. My throat feels so gentle and body so clean after this."
"The practices are complete WOW! I went in the session fully even though I was not alone at home! Initially I felt a pressure in my upper back but when we started going over the body with the tension release practice, it went away. It feels like some hidden treasures of my depths have been opened up, it feels so easy to breathe now.
Such an incredible experience, I'm so surprised of the sounds that were coming out of me! It's powerful!"
"I am so grateful for this unique, powerful practice that helped me to open my voice like nothing has ever done. I feel expanded and healed. It was amazing, I loved it so much to feel the vibrations in my throat. So much is being cleansed and released with this practice. I feel so peaceful and energised at the same time!"
"Already the day before the session I started to become emotional, something was surfacing to be released. After the session I felt my arms so heavy and tired like after digging ground but my chest so energised and free.
The day after the session was very emotional, lots of crying and emotional cleansing, I felt so much shame and guilt. I wanted to run away from the world once again but then I realised - that is what I always do. So instead I straightened my spine, took a deep breath and said to myself that I am taking responsibility for my place on this earth, I can be who I am and I choose to release what does not serve me anymore.
I am so grateful for what you do, I enjoyed the session so much!"
"Santa, I am so grateful for this powerful ceremony of sound and voices. It felt like coming home, my Soul feels deeply touched. The time stoped, I felt like I lost myself completely and found at the same time. It was so powerful that it's hard to put it in words."
Do You Feel Fear and Resistance When Thinking of Opening Your Voice?
Vai jūti bailes un pretestību, domājot par savas Balss atvēršanu?
Then it's Time to Expand Yourself! Your Soul and Body Will be Grateful!
Tad ir laiks sevi paplašināt! Tava Dvēsele un Tavs Ķermenis būs pateicīgi!